Autumn Break Camp Pre-K & K

  • 11/05/2015
  • 9:00 AM
  • 11/06/2015
  • 3:30 PM
  • TNC Visitor Center
  • 4

Thursday and Friday
When school is out, Pre-K & K kids can keep learning and have fun too! Children will explore TNC woods and trails, make crafts, share stories and play games while learning about the environment.

Autumn-themed activities include eating s’mores around the campfire, making fresh apple cider and more. Sign up early. Don't let your child miss out on fun, hands-on nature experiences, outdoor discovery, and the change to explore our native hardwood forest and pond ecosystems.

2 full days $124
2 half days $2
Daily $70
Each half day $40

Full day is 9:00-3:30 pm

Half days are 9:00-12:30pm or 12:00-3:30pm

Children should bring a refillable water bottle, two snacks, and lunch. Layers and rain gear are recommended (rain boots, jacket, hat, etc.). Rain or shine. Children may attend individual days or half days.

Our mandatory Tenafly Nature Center Health Packet is due by Thursday, October 29; a participant daily checklist can be found on our vacation day camp web page.

Space is limited and pre-registration required. Current family membership ($60) is required for TNC camps. Not a member? Join or renew now and take advantage of what the nature center offers all year round.