Earth Day Gong Meditation

  • 04/22/2020
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Virtual Zoom


Join us for a virtual Sound Healing experience for your wellbeing LIVE on Zoom. Guided by N. Nechama Karp, Gong Meditation Specialist. 

 “My offering to you during these profoundly challenging times.”

Nechama, a professional Integrative Therapist certified in Sound Healing and specializing in Gong Therapy, since 2016, invites you to tune in, set your intention, and receive what serves you. This experience will include breath work and light stretching to derive the most benefit of your practice with the unique sound vibrations and frequencies of the Symphonic Gong. Come for cleansing and uplifting the spirit.

“I felt a very smooth ride - I had been very sensitive and emotional for a week before the session. And I feel more stable emotionally and notice more clarity." Ikumi

Free session. 
An email will be sent with the Zoom link to join once registered. F
eel free to join audio only.
No prior experience required. 

What is sound healing?
For more on Nechama's webpage:

Prepare for Sound Healing Meditation 
Allow 20 Minutes Prior

*Headphones recommended for optimal virtual listening experience