Summer Solstice Gong Sound Bath

  • 06/20/2020
  • 2:45 PM - 5:30 PM
  • tenafly nature center
  • 4


Registration is closed
Come! Enjoy becoming one with nature in our special Summer Solstice Sound Healing Gong* Bath in the forest of the Tenafly Nature Center. Designed to help you restore your body, clear your head, and reconnect to your natural, essence self.

We’ll safely join together in celebrating the first day of summer outside in nature’s sanctuary. You’ll be guided to slow down, stretch and breathe deep, opening the way for your total immersion into the wonders and healing benefits of the sound healing gong in this beautiful, naturally preserved forest.

To experience the full grounding and revitalizing benefits of nature therapy, prepare to doff your shoes and walk barefoot on the earth. Connect to your roots in the forest at its lush life peak of vibrant greens and fragrant blossoms, and natural awe-inspiring wonders. 

*Weekend of National Gong Day!

This program is intended for age 16+.

Reduced price ticket option for TWO guests of the same ‘household’ that can safely be in your personal space!**



2:45PM - Check-in begins in the TNC Parking Lot

2:55PM - We’ll walk together for about 7 minutes on the path to the site for our program to begin in the shelter at 3pm


Should I wear a mask while attending this event in June 2020?

Yes, please wear your mask during this program when we are gathered in the parking lot and the shelter. There will be an opportunity to remove your mask during the nature therapy phase of the event when participants are more than 6-feet apart in the forest. The CDC recommendation to wear cloth face coverings comes from new data that shows a significant portion of people with coronavirus have mild or no symptoms, and even if someone does develop more severe symptoms, they can transmit the virus before those symptoms appear. This means that people can spread the virus to others without even knowing they have it. 

AND, Participants are encouraged to bring:

Towel or blanket to sit on the earth and during the Gong Bath in the shelter.

Personal water bottle

Writing and/or drawing material to record insights or creative expression

Read More about the program…

Sound Healing Gong Baths do not involve taking a bath in water. Especially relieving for people who have trouble quieting the mind - this particular gong bath is designed as a portal for effortlessly riding the gong waves into a meditative state. 

The listener experiences sonic vibrations which, when paired with intention and played therapeutically, allows the mind, body, and senses to expand and align in a natural harmonic balance. In addition to experiencing an effortless meditation, aching muscles and tight joints are soothed as the therapeutic vibrations and healing frequencies of the gong caress and flow through the body. 

Nature Therapy is influenced by the principles of Ecopsychology - a growing field which explores the relationship between human beings and the natural world. Studies found that people who spent 40 minutes walking in a forest “...induces a state of physiologic relaxation.”  Another study showed that people who take walks in nature report less repetitive negative thoughts. And a government health service in Scotland is so convinced of the mental and physical health benefits of nature exposure that it is encouraging doctors to give "nature prescriptions" to help treat high blood pressure, anxiety and depression.

Measurable benefits include:

Lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is involved in blood pressure and immune-system function.

Recover faster from chronic mental and emotional stress.

Increase feelings of well-being and interconnection.

Improve focus.

Raise your energy level.

Increase Awe.

“A researcher, Dr. Qing Li, a professor at the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo, found that trees and plants emit aromatic compounds called phytoncides that, when inhaled, can spur healthy biological changes in a manner similar to aromatherapy, which has also been studied for its therapeutic benefits. In his studies, Li has shown that when people walk through or stay overnight in forests, they often exhibit changes in the blood that are associated with protection against cancer, better immunity and lower blood pressure”. - Time Magazine

Guided by N. Nechama Karp

Come out and play on this special day under the guidance and mentoring of experienced guide and gong specialist, N. Nechama Karp. A Holistic Healing Artsist with over a decade of experience facilitating circles She’ll invite you into gentle stretching and guided Breathwork through the Sound Healing Gong Bath and silently guide the way for your nature therapy immersion in the living forest. At times she will be unseen while nearby allowing you time to be at one with nature.