Lantern Making & Winter Solstice Celebration

  • 12/15/2012
  • 3:30 PM - 5:15 PM
  • TNC Pavilion
  • 24


  • Price is per person. To register more than one person, please add the number of additional participants in the "Guest field" at the bottom (child and/or adult).
  • Price is per person. To register more than one person, please add the number of additional participants in the "Guest field" at the bottom (child and/or adult).

Registration is closed
Enjoy a warm fire and learn about the solstice while hand crafting a portable lantern. To create the glowing lanterns from recycled containers, each participant will embellish them with cut-outs, paint or other decorations. Participants will form a candle-lit procession along one of our trails and end up at the pavilion for a cozy fire and hot cocoa.

Meet at the outdoor pavilion. Program is intended for adults and families with children 7 and up. 
Space is limited. Pre-registration required.
2012 Year of Discovery Signature Event